Post by poneil69 on May 2, 2007 22:57:38 GMT
Conor, thats a big ask,I dont pretend to represent the views of the SSP,only my own.Our policies include..ScrapCouncil Tax for National based income tax,Free Schoolmeals for all state school kids,Free prescriptions and the newest,free public transport.The Council Tax issue was voted against by SNP and Lib Dems,untill recently (ie Election time )and they have all voted against our bills for free meals with labour wanting "targetted free meals" ie means testing the weans.I personally feel that independence is a good step,we however,especially with the recent split,may not be in a position to bargain too much with whoever it may be.But better SNP than Labour.
Post by Conor on May 2, 2007 23:03:15 GMT
True, ye don't want to just change the colours of the flag and the accents of the people in power
Post by poneil69 on May 2, 2007 23:12:43 GMT
Conor,yes,Independence is a step in the right direction but that alone will not be enough.I want an Independent Socialist Republic that can promote the model internationally.
Post by RedFlag32 on May 2, 2007 23:13:34 GMT
Conor,yes,Independence is a step in the right direction but that alone will not be enough.I want an Independent Socialist Republic that can promote the model internationally. Your a comrade of mine so
Post by Conor on May 2, 2007 23:16:01 GMT
Oh, sorry, i was just referring to a Connolly qoute to back up your point of view. I agree totally, i was just excited by the thought of the extermination of the UK, and its reprecussions from the occupied 6 counties to Iraq
Post by poneil69 on May 2, 2007 23:19:31 GMT
Thanks Conor.
Post by poneil69 on May 2, 2007 23:20:54 GMT
redflag I am a comrade of yours,are you Scots?I read about the manifesto being released.
Post by RedFlag32 on May 2, 2007 23:22:25 GMT
redflag I am a comrade of yours,are you Scots?I read about the manifesto being released. No im irish mate,but im internationalist so i have comrades alover the world! ;D
Post by poneil69 on May 2, 2007 23:24:45 GMT
You do in this small part of it anyway comrade
Post by RedFlag32 on May 2, 2007 23:36:05 GMT
You do in this small part of it anyway comrade
Post by poneil69 on May 2, 2007 23:39:18 GMT
Anyways,big day,will post back,and thank you.
All the Best.
Post by Papa C. on May 3, 2007 7:50:18 GMT
Please excuse my ignorance on this subject but what would the difference between Council tax and National based income tax be? - you know some people might as you this I believe the Sociailist Party (Irish) want to see a united Socialist Federation of Britain and Ireland. Obviously this is a step towards communism but I've always found that it's asking for too much, too quickly and taking it in steps would be the best course, starting with an Irish socialist Republic for instance. But would the Socialist Party's idea for a socialist federation fall roughly in line with the SWP in Britain? I also believe independence would be a step in the right direction as I don't see how you could defeat Britain in one fail swoop. But Poneil69, you do realise that the British Government, both Capitalist and Imperialist, would never allow a Scotish Socialist Republic? They would only allow a Capitalist scotish state that they still have some control over. But I also think that both the US and British Governments would also never allow an Irish Socialist Republic to thrive as it would look bad for Capitalism. Good luck in the elections comrade. Victory to revolutionaries!