Post by voxpopuli on Oct 19, 2007 1:13:21 GMT
Public meetingThe Irish and Basque Peace Processes. The meeting will be addressed by the invited speakers listed below giving an outline of the two peace processes from a Socialist perspective, the recurring arguments in both countries and the difficulties facing those seeking a genuine alternative. Speakers include: Ibon Artola San MiguelEditor of Euskal Herria SozialistaGerry RuddyIrish Republican Socialist Party An Culturlann, Thursday 25th October at 7.15pm.All welcome. Dates and venues yet to be announed for Derry and Strabane. Hosted by International Left Solidarity Committee
Post by dangeresque on Oct 23, 2007 4:44:31 GMT
damn, wish I could be there.
is there any info available on international left solidarity committees?