Post by RedFlag32 on May 9, 2007 18:23:10 GMT
Quick note on the Stormont sell-out and future political cartel
The Stormont farce was unveiled today with Ian Paisley, Martin McGuinness, Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern all making speeches. I've never seen 4 men look so uncomfortable sitting beside each other before but they put on a brave face as they began their new political cartel.
It was broadcast on almost every channel I turned on to. This, no doubt, was done to make sure as many working people blieved the tripe and show as was possible. Words and phrases like 'moving on', 'historic', 'peace', 'prosperity', 'friendship' were common place in the speeches which were no doubt written by professional liars because as true Republicans and leftists know the only people who will benefit from this are those organised gangsters sitting in Stormont, London and Dublin.
Bertie Ahern bragged about his visits to many castles and thanked his friend Tony Blair for the opportunity. For you see 'leaders' are only friends with other 'leaders'. Working people, to them, are ants under their feet that also pay for their lavish lifestyles. What James Connolly would think to see this farce unfold if he was alive today? I believe 1. that he'd be enemy number #1, a terrorist and killer and 2. that we'd have another rising on our hands. Of course they would say this whilst neglecting even to mention the Imperialist wars waged by Britain and the US, supported by the Irish Government and the DUP, whilst Sinn Fein would shy away from any responsability to save their own hide.
We look forward to being robbed and having our national resources raped by these representatives of sell-out, injustice, exploitation, hypocracy, double talk and double standards in the future.
Some used to sing 'God save Ireland!"', well now they should be crying 'God help Ireland!'.
Caoimhain. Starry Plough Initiative
Post by Seabird on May 11, 2007 11:27:06 GMT
This historic event was shown around the world, while you saw "uncomfortable", I saw confidence. I saw Martin McGuinness a man that has fought for Irish Independance his entire teen and adult life step into a position that can finally benefit the working people while the north continues to move toward reunification. I see a government that will finally serve the people and give the voice back to the people. I see a MM that has ALWAYS been for the people by the people, yet some choose to paint this man a sell out. He is representation of the majority of the republican people in the north, he is the voice of the people in the north. He was democratically elected to serve the people in the north yet some still try to paint him with a different brush, why is this? I see light at the end of the tunnel while others are fumbling around in total darkness. I read in one of yer articles that SF will be left behind. . . I wonder who really is getting left behind!
Post by Papa C. on May 11, 2007 13:25:45 GMT
Caoimhain, This historic event was shown around the world, while you saw "uncomfortable", I saw confidence. I saw Martin McGuinness a man that has fought for Irish Independance his entire teen and adult life step into a position that can finally benefit the working people while the north continues to move toward reunification. I see a government that will finally serve the people and give the voice back to the people. I see a MM that has ALWAYS been for the people by the people, yet some choose to paint this man a sell out. He is representation of the majority of the republican people in the north, he is the voice of the people in the north. He was democratically elected to serve the people in the north yet some still try to paint him with a different brush, why is this? I see light at the end of the tunnel while others are fumbling around in total darkness. I read in one of yer articles that SF will be left behind. . . I wonder who really is getting left behind! SeeBird, we can agree to disagree but in my opinion and that of most left-Republicans, unification under fascist (Paisley) or Capitalist rule (see Sinn Fein's new economic policies) can never be beneficial to Irish people regardless of their background. The British will always rule us. ‘She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.’ to quote Connolly. As I’ve said before, anything less than an all Ireland Socialist Republic as supported by Connolly, Mellows, Costello, O’Riordan, Wolfe Tone and many others is a sell out to the people of Ireland as we will always be ruled by those who want to control ‘democracy’. Ultimately it will be the Irish people who suffer from this and not the leaders of Sinn Fein. The leaders of Sinn Fein have already dabbled in the control of public opinion and democracy through the Good Friday Agreement. Our comrade Dangeresque made a nice analysis of the exercise here - theplough.proboards57.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1178582862‘Nationalism without Socialism – without a reorganisation of society on the basis of a broader and more developed form of that common property which underlay the social structure of Ancient Erin - is only national recreancy.’ – James Connolly, Nationalism and Socialism (1897) Theobold Wolfe tone once stated "If the men of property will not support us, they must fall. Our strength shall come from that great and respectable class, the men of no property". Obviously the 'men of no property' is referring to the working class and I would agree that the working classes/ the majority must determine their own future. No one man (or two) should have the ability to determine our future for us. Wolfe Tone was a socialist even if he didn't know it, Sinn Fein are reactionaries and the DUP are flat out fascists who have often supported injustice against people based on their religion. They are also firm supporters of British Imperialism. Why would any Irish Republican go into Government with someone who is completely anti-Republican, hypocritical, surreptitious by nature, and an imperialist supporter? What article did you read on Sinn Fein getting left behind? I’m not trying to be smart here. I simply can’t remember.
I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees
Posts: 8
Post by frankryan on May 11, 2007 16:48:36 GMT
Sorry seabird but i find the fact that you mentioned Martin McGuinness as the voice of the people to be very amusing. Along time ago you could of argued that point when the provisional movement were a radical revolutionary movement.
The problem now is that they've become like any other oppurtunistic party claiming to represent or give a voice to the people, while the people are on the outside looking in having no say whatsoever, I believe in a society based on participatory democracy were the people will be directly involved in decision making helping to shape their own lives and that of society. To do this a movement preferably based on a broad front made up of groups on the left and republicans needs to be created. They will need to entrench themselves into the working class areas and enpower the communities through education and the creation of iniatives(community policing, community advice centers, drug awareness schemes, etc.) alternative to those if any set up by the state.
This will give the people the feeling that they are truly apart of something and have an actual voice. These communties could eventually field candicates of their own selected from the communtiy and if elected the people will truly have a voice within the system instead of voting in representitives of political parties where as i mentioned earlier the people are on the outside looking in as political parties look after their own interests. This would give the communties confidence in themselves which could lead to a direct challenge to the system.
The sad thing is, the provisional movement missed out on a golden oppurtunity to make this a reality specifically during the early 1980's were they had the support and the man-power to achieve it. The anti h-block committee's which were based on broad fronts could of easily been transformed into community commitee's but the provisional leadership which had hugh sway within the anti H-block commitee's chose to focus the energy of these commitee's into electioneering and constitutional politics leaving us with what we have today. A oppurtunistic reformist party far from being the voice of the people.
Sorry if this is all over the place, i find it hard to articulate my true thoughts so it ends up a being a complete ramble like above.
Post by Papa C. on May 13, 2007 7:12:07 GMT
I agree with you comrade.