Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Apr 25, 2007 22:32:11 GMT
Just have a question relating to a comment a person made on P.ie who I believe to be a member of RSF(due to his avatar). He said...
""Just like to point out that Republican Sinn Féin is an organisation intent upon the creation of a secular Ireland in which catholics, protestants and people of other faiths have a fair share say in the running of the country as outlined in the Éire Nua and Saol Nua documents. It is also a socialist organisation that believes in a redistribution of wealth and wealth-making resources and that (critically) supports socialist states such as Cuba and Venezuela. As such I think Youth Defence and co. can have very little in common with RSF's politics. ""
Is this an accurate comment?
From what I have gathered, many fascists/nazi's/"3rd positionists" are fond of RSF and support them. I myself would have thought of them to be "just" nationalists with much emphasis on religion and "Irish culture" etc etc.
What is RSF then? I have read their "introduction" on the rsf website and it seems agreeable enough - that is - socialist"y".
Are their politics that blunt or muddled that they have both socialist and fascist supporters?
Im really confused about what they identify themselves as.
Side note on a forum (though I wont name) "I-N":
f**king hell have fascists taken a new guise of "anti-capitalism", "pro-worker" and using Marxian language of bourgeois and proletarians - dipped with the element of race and religion?
What are these right-wing scumbags who quote Connolly, use his picture, use images of Chavez - and yet post on Nazi Hitlerite websites like I-N.
Are they that f**ked up in the head and confused about their politics or what.....
Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Apr 25, 2007 23:16:08 GMT
Incase someone asks (as I know there is a regular RSF poster) "where are the fascist supporters?" - here are some quotes taken from SF Ireland...
Ruairí Ó Brádaigh is the leader of Republican Sinn Fein, who are a Socialist party
They are actually third positionists, who either dont realise it, or dont want to admit it. According to RSF distributism is socialism.....lol. ""
""Belfast Telegraph, Tuesday, January 23, 2007
By Brendan McDaid
Polish immigrants in the North West seeking to join the PSNI were today issued with a warning by Republican Sinn Fein that they will be viewed as " collaborators" and "mercenaries".
As the policing debate heats up in the region, the dissident political group linked to the Continuity IRA today branded reports that 1,000 Polish people have applied to join the force "deeply disturbing". The Polish Welfare Association in Derry said they had no comment to make on the RSF statement. Police in Derry meanwhile were earlier today preparing a response to the comments. Republican Sinn Fein spoke out as the 32 County Sovereignty Movement, SDLP and Sinn Fein were tonight set to gather to discuss policing at an event organised by the Bloody Sunday Weekend Committee at 7.30pm in the Tower Hotel.
Nice one RSF!""
""Ó Brádaigh and the rest of the self-righteous leadership are totally out of touch, but I think this press statement gives an indication that there's a significant number of rank-and-file RSF people who are opposed to this multi-culturalist nonsense.""
""It's not that RSF support immigration wholeheartedly, it's just that they are more concerned with the occupied Six at the moment. Once the country is re-unified i beleive that RSF would be the most susceptible party to the reason of anti-immigration: we suport the preservation of Irish culture, its language, and its society and economy - and so do RSF (and the 32 CSM for that matter).
If RSF can be made to see that immigration is detrimental to those things, then they will come round. It think the pro-immigration stance is merely a product of the leadership's left-wing stance; once the country is united the majority of members couldn't give a damn about appearing PC to the rest of the EU (which they staunchly oppose - a good think in my book!)""
""Most red RSF supporters are too ignorant to appreciate this. RSF claim its a form of "socialism" which is bull****. Its distributism. ""
etc etc, the list of topics and quotes are endless where nazi/fascists at least sympathise with RSF.
I couldnt say that for the IRSP or Sinn Fein for that matter.
Post by quirk on Apr 26, 2007 13:38:16 GMT
The statment above from RSF about Poles joining the PSNI I think was badly worded and left open the possibility that it could be misinterpreded which it was. I think it was meant to point out to these Poles that Ireland is still occupied and the PSNI is part of that occupying force, and as such there was the potential that they would be targeted if they joined.
The reason it was directed at the Polish people is that this was not being explained to them and thus they were applying to join the PSNI without being fully informed.
There was no bad intention in it and I don't think it can be seen as racist or anti-immigrant, however as I said I do think it could have been worded better.
Post by Papa C. on Apr 26, 2007 20:22:28 GMT
Side note on a forum (though I wont name) "I-N": f**king hell have fascists taken a new guise of "anti-capitalism", "pro-worker" and using Marxian language of bourgeois and proletarians - dipped with the element of race and religion? What are these right-wing scumbags who quote Connolly, use his picture, use images of Chavez - and yet post on Nazi Hitlerite websites like I-N. Are they that f**ked up in the head and confused about their politics or what..... Fascists have always tried to use working class politics to spread their shite. Just like Hitler's 'National Socialist Party' and the Fascist National Socialist organisations all over the US and other countries. It's important that the working class understand the differene between Marxist Socialism and 'National Socialism'. How can socialism be Nationalist? Socialism is internationalist as it is the stepping stone towards true communism, as opposed to that fake communism the Chinese ruling class practice. I mean what's that about??
Post by dangeresque on Apr 26, 2007 22:48:57 GMT
RSF's supporters are mostly middle class, rural and very conservative in their views. I have heard them refer to themselves as representing a 'third way' between socialism and capitalism (which is standard modern fascist / third positionist rhetoric). So there are a few similarities with fascism in RSF- however, I would not consider them a fascist party, in fact they have some progressive content in their politics. They are even farther from being socialist; they do not in any way represent the interests of the proletariat or seek the general conditions of the liberation of the proletariat (communism).
It is clear however that they welcome ultrareactionaries who are basically fascists into their ranks. Yet they also welcome socialists.
RSF has to be understood more as a traditionalist party with a mish mash of different political tendencies it's picked up along the way.
Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Apr 26, 2007 22:57:44 GMT
Thanks comrades, your comments have been very helpful in addressing the questions asked. ;D
Post by RedFlag32 on Apr 28, 2007 18:20:28 GMT
Thanks comrades, your comments have been very helpful in addressing the questions asked. ;D Glad to see you are using the forum to educate yourself comrade,after all thats what its here for! ;D