Post by Sinn Féin Poblachtach - Cork on May 6, 2007 1:14:08 GMT
Stormont is obstacle to a free Ireland. Speaking at Republican Sinn Féin's annual Commandant Neil 'Plunkett' O'Boyle commemoration in Knocknadruce Co Wicklow on Sunday May 6, Rosín Hayden Dublin, Runaí of Republican Sinn Féin's Comhairle Cuige Laighean (Leinster Executive) said that the reconvening of the Stormont Assembly on May 8 was a yet another obstacle on the road to a free and united Ireland. "The Stormont assembly is an obstacle to true All-Ireland democracy and an end to British rule, not a stepping-stone to a free and united Ireland, as the Provisionals would pretend. On May 8 they will formally became administrators of British rule in Ireland, they will have completed their journey of deceit, betrayal and treachery. The only basis for a just and lasting peace is by ending British rule and allowing the Irish people acting as a unit to build a New Ireland. "The federation of Ireland's four provinces as proposed in our EIRE NUA programme with maximum decentralisation of power would allow the Irish people to shape their own destiny free of foreign misrule." Rosín Hayden said. Related link: Sinn Féin Poblachtach - Cork