Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Jan 12, 2009 20:22:08 GMT
According to this - www.workerspartyireland.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/clar_2008.pdf"We are at present in temporary offices awaiting the building of a new Party Head Office in Hill Street, Dublin. That work may take at least a year. It provides an opportunity to secure modern and up to date office facilities as well as a bookshop and printing facilities. The Belfast office is also being redeveloped along similar lines.Astrong Party centre and administration, accountable and responsible, is essential to meeting the needs of the Party organisation, particularly if we are to grow and expand."Swanky or what! Wonder where the dosh came from.
Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Jan 12, 2009 20:30:02 GMT
And just to say, thats well worth a read. Very open and to the point.
Post by voxpopuli on Jan 13, 2009 18:35:08 GMT
IT's irrelevent as to where the "dosh" came from.
Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Jan 13, 2009 19:38:56 GMT
IT's irrelevent as to where the "dosh" came from. says "who"?
Post by dangeresque on Jan 16, 2009 1:51:49 GMT
interesting. that's what we need.
Post by Papa C. on Jan 16, 2009 17:33:32 GMT
New office? Jesus a shack with a book shelf would do at this stage!
Post by RedFlag32 on Jan 16, 2009 23:43:44 GMT
Ive also often wondered about how the CPI are able to afford the rent in the temple bar area of Dublin which is the most affluent section of the city centre.
Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Jan 16, 2009 23:47:05 GMT
Ive also often wondered about how the CPI are able to afford the rent in the temple bar area of Dublin which is the most affluent section of the city centre. I think they own the premises in Temple Bar. Also the book store would bring in some money.
Post by RedFlag32 on Jan 16, 2009 23:50:43 GMT
Yea, but how do you own a place in temple bar, especially a communist organisation? Just curious.
Post by Papa C. on Jan 17, 2009 0:17:27 GMT
It has been going for years. They could have got donations or it could have been donated to them - actually did I hear that it HAD been donated or am I thinking of something else? I can't remember. Anyways fair play to them for having it. I know a couple of guys from the CPI and they's good people.
Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Jan 17, 2009 0:23:32 GMT
Well theyv had it for years and years. Id imagine the property was alot cheaper back then.
The IRSP owned and operated an office premises (4 storey building) on upper O Connell Street until one of the feuds where it got sold off or something.
Post by Hessian Peel on Jan 22, 2009 10:26:43 GMT
And now IRSP offices are funded by British government money.