Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Apr 28, 2008 21:31:30 GMT
Found this great resource of interesting history written for the "Old Limerick Journal". They are in PDF format: The General Strike - 1919 [known as The Limerick Soviet] by Jim Kemmywww.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,3944,en.pdf Yet another soviet: The Broadford Soviet by Michael McCarthy www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,3937,en.pdf The Enigma of Frank Ryan part 1www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,3920,en.pdf Building of the Workhouses:www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,3942,en.pdf O Duffy's Other Brigade:www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,3974,en.pdf Mourning the Martyres: a study of a demonstration in limerickwww.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,4020,en.pdf Housing and Social Conditions: 1830-1940 www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,4009,en.pdf The blueshirts in limerick:www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,4139,en.pdf Limericks role in the Spanish CW:www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,4139,en.pdf The Volunteers of the 1916 rising:www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,4148,en.pdf Shannon Scheme Strikewww.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,3952,en.pdf How the Shannon Scheme Workers Lived:www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,3947,en.pdf Amongst, seemingly a hundred or so more here. The journal is quite left wing also: www.limerickcity.ie/Library/LocalStudies/LocalStudiesBooksJournals/TheOldLimerickJournalcontentsofvols1-27/There's a good few articles that id like to see thats not turned PDF, such as "the poor and the pawn houses" etc