Post by Stallit 2 de Halfo on Jan 16, 2008 19:11:05 GMT
www.justicefordockers.org/My name is Arthur Rafferty. I am dying with ASBESTOSIS. I have been diagnosed since 2001. Our union (SIPTU, formerly ITGWU) knew about the danger of asbestos but they never informed me. They were warned by the government as early as 1960 but gave nothing to us members. As a union they had a duty to care for its members - to get us the protection we needed to do the job. But they got us nothing, not even a paper mask. Doctors from Queen's University Belfast, did a study about asbestos in 1950. Their report was printed in The Lancet. All doctors in Northern Ireland got a copy of their report as did government, employers, unions - anyone who had anything to do with asbestos. If they didn't know they did not want to know. Factory inspectorate warned all about the danger of asbestos as early as 1945. It stated that workers would need masks, goggles and r espirators while working with asbestos. PLEASE JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST SIPTU - formerly ITGWU.